
Video-Conference System+WEB IRS+HiTeach | HABOOK

 Publish Date :2020/09/24
# COVID-19

# Smart Education

Learning Never Stop, Countering the Pandemic - Video-Conference System+WEB IRS+HiTeach

Thank goodness there is the Internet!

To counter the pandemic and let learning keep on rolling, teachers turn to the Internet and start live-streaming lessons. However, if there is no interaction in these lessons, it will just be online cramming education. The learning effectiveness is of great concern.

By combining a third-party video-conference system, WEB IRS, and HiTeach, a live-streaming distance interacting classroom is formed, letting the lessons be with effective interaction, synchronous differentiated instruction, and autonomy under group learning, displaying learning scenario of TEAM Model Based Smarter Learning.

Web IRS allows teachers and students to interact with each other regardless of the limitation of distance. Students can instantaneously share their thoughts without the need to install any app. They can send messages and pictures with WEB IRS.

If you are interested, you can go to Here to check out more details.

  • Company : HABOOK GROUP
  • Product Category : SmarTEX - Innovative Applications & Solutions