General Info
 Company Name AEWIN Technologies Co., Ltd.
 Booth No. Online Exhibitor
 Telephone No. 886-2-86926677
 Fax No. 886-2-86926655

AEWIN is the technology builder for your applications, from network appliances, to edge AI servers, to cloud computing servers. We are experienced with the full range of Intel x86 processors for computing requirements from small to large. Intel’s x86 microarchitecture is rapidly displacing other application-specific micro-architectures across the globe by offering familiar and portable code-base. This can speed up the development and deployment of applications.

AEWIN systems can be part of the ingredient to empower your network transformation. NFVI is the next networking paradigm and our system is the perfect candidate to host the next generation of virtualized network appliances. We are fully committed to Intel Select Solutions and offer pre-validated and performance optimized solutions covering a wide range of applications.
