General Info
 Company Name Tragant International Co., Ltd.
 Founding Year Since 2006
 Membership TCA Member
 Exhibition COMPUTEX TAIPEI More than 10 times
 Category Consumer Electronic Accessories, Consumer Electronic Accessories,Mobile Device Accessories
Company Info

Tragant International is young, but we've been accumulating over 25 years of experience in developing Computer peripherals. Our brands, Delock and Navilock have been sucessfully promoted to Europe, and we are ambitiously and aggressively introduce our branding items worldwide. In 2009, we focused on developing products for Power Over eSATA, USB3.0, CF, and CFast, which have successfully promoted Tragant to differnt level. Furthermore, we develop full ranges of accessories for industrial PC in 2010 and 2011, which leads the company to specialization and diversification.
