EFR32xG21B SoCs with Secure Vault
Silicon Labs' EFR32xG21B SoCs with Secure Vault is the first chip in the world to achieve Arm PSA Level 3 certification – PSA Certified's highest level of IoT security protection. This certification requires testing the prescribed “Hardware Root of Trust” security features in an approved 3rd party security lab against not only software attack vectors (the scope of PSA Level 2) but also hardware attack vectors (the additional scope of PSA Level 3).“Hardware Root of Trust," a proven technology, has become a highly desired feature in IoT devices as it creates an anchor to security capabilities. Secure Vault features best-in-class security including secure boot based on hardware root of trust, secure debug, physical tamper, secure identity for attestation, and physically unclonable function (PUF) key management technology to significantly reduce the risk of IoT security breaches and compromised intellectual property. Integrating Secure Vault into our SoCs highlights our commitment to prot