Product Info

Delta's Sustainable Strategy : Disclosed information under TCFD

Delta became a supporter of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) in 2018. The Chairman issued a public support statement on the TCFD website, making Delta the world's first supporter from the technology manufacturing industry. Delta adopts the climate risk matrix, scenario analyses, and monetization of climate change to simulate the financial impact based on the four elements of the TCFD, and discloses relevant progress in our annual report. Based on the correlation between Delta’s products and climate change, we have initially divided our products into stable, adaptive, and emerging types.

Robust products: The types of products that have been developed for many years did not emerge because of climate change, but can be linked to climate change by improving energy efficiency and expanding their application to low-carbon products, such as uninterruptible power system products.
Adjustable products: Design specifications need to consider climate conditions such as atmospheric temperature and humidity, and product parameters. Functions need to be adjusted in response to physical changes in climate change, such as fan products.
Emerging products: New types of products that emerge in response to low-carbon demand, such as electric vehicle parts products.


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