Product Info


HP Disc
CMC pro
Data Storage
The Japan certificate lab ADTC(Archive Disc Test Center) based on “ISO/IEC 16963:2015“ standard to evaluate Archival M-DISC product and the test result shows that Archival M-DISC product has more than 100 years data storage life time. The accelerated test is under 80℃/80%RH extreme condition.
After 380hours/420hours/660hours under 80℃/80%RH extreme condition, the error rate of commercial BD-R products increase to unplayable.
By comparison, after 1000 hours under 80℃/80%RH extreme condition, the error rate of Archival M-DISC product doesn’t increase too much and suitable for long-term data storage.

The recording method of M-Discs will not be influenced by Tsunami or Electromagnetic attack, and can playback with high confidence. From this, this type of discs are suitable for long-term preservation of important data,and has the significance of its existence.

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